Money Arrggg...
Imagine for a moment a comedy routine where a huckster hawks for money saying, “All ya gotta do is tear off the top of your new Cadillac-ah and send it in with two box tops from your favorite cereal, and we will send to you, post paid, and absolutely free, not including, shipping, handling, and a small promotional fee, these two bottles of holy water, taken directly from the Jordan River.”
The words probably sound familiar. Similar words are spoken every day as people on infomercials pedal their wares on TV, or Christian merchants sell "Jesus junk” to raise money to buy more commercial time to sell more “Jesus junk.”
If the cost of operating one of our websites becomes too high for us, we’ll shut it down. The same is true for TV commercials, cable broadcasts, or newspaper and magazine advertising. The purpose of Christian outreach programs is supposed to be the sharing of the Gospel of Christ, not solely for the purpose of raising money.
Tithing is an opportunity for an individual to honor God with a tenth of the material wealth that God has helped them produce. It predates the Law of Moses and was therefore not abolished as an “ordinance against us,” (Colossians 2:14), when all those ordinances were fulfilled by Jesus when He nailed them to His cross.
Tithing exists today, not as a painful rule to be held over our heads, but as an opportunity to show God that we understand how He has blessed the work of our hands, (Deuteronomy 2:7) and to show Him that we want to honor Him and His work here in the world. Your tithe, the tenth of your increase, is to be brought into the “storehouse,” (Malachi 3:10).
The storehouse is the local place where you regularly receive your spiritual food, your local church. If you attend a local church where you aren’t being spiritually fed, then you need leave there and go somewhere else where you will be spiritually fed. God has supplied every community with a place where they may grow spiritually and assemble together, (Hebrews 10:25). If you look, you’ll find it. It’s also acceptable for you to give special offerings to individuals, causes and campaigns that you want to support that exist outside of your local church. Those are special offerings over and above your tithe.
You are also commanded by God to share materially with anyone who teaches you, giving unto the teacher, “all good things,” (Galatians 6:6). If you have received some benefit from me by reading, listening, or watching something God has used me to present here, then you may use the following link to share with me, financially, whatever you feel it was worth.
If you haven’t received anything from me, then don’t give anything. It's that simple.
The words probably sound familiar. Similar words are spoken every day as people on infomercials pedal their wares on TV, or Christian merchants sell "Jesus junk” to raise money to buy more commercial time to sell more “Jesus junk.”
If the cost of operating one of our websites becomes too high for us, we’ll shut it down. The same is true for TV commercials, cable broadcasts, or newspaper and magazine advertising. The purpose of Christian outreach programs is supposed to be the sharing of the Gospel of Christ, not solely for the purpose of raising money.
Tithing is an opportunity for an individual to honor God with a tenth of the material wealth that God has helped them produce. It predates the Law of Moses and was therefore not abolished as an “ordinance against us,” (Colossians 2:14), when all those ordinances were fulfilled by Jesus when He nailed them to His cross.
Tithing exists today, not as a painful rule to be held over our heads, but as an opportunity to show God that we understand how He has blessed the work of our hands, (Deuteronomy 2:7) and to show Him that we want to honor Him and His work here in the world. Your tithe, the tenth of your increase, is to be brought into the “storehouse,” (Malachi 3:10).
The storehouse is the local place where you regularly receive your spiritual food, your local church. If you attend a local church where you aren’t being spiritually fed, then you need leave there and go somewhere else where you will be spiritually fed. God has supplied every community with a place where they may grow spiritually and assemble together, (Hebrews 10:25). If you look, you’ll find it. It’s also acceptable for you to give special offerings to individuals, causes and campaigns that you want to support that exist outside of your local church. Those are special offerings over and above your tithe.
You are also commanded by God to share materially with anyone who teaches you, giving unto the teacher, “all good things,” (Galatians 6:6). If you have received some benefit from me by reading, listening, or watching something God has used me to present here, then you may use the following link to share with me, financially, whatever you feel it was worth.
If you haven’t received anything from me, then don’t give anything. It's that simple.